Project "Development of a biosensor for minimally invasive diagnosis of clear cell renal carcinoma"

The project plans to characterize the selected sites and include them in a biosensor prototype, which would allow the presence of circulating tumor cells in blood or urine samples, providing a minimally invasive method of analysis to characterize the development of renal carcinoma.

Realization: March 2017 – July 2018.

The project is implemented thanks to a donation of 37,580 EUR by the patron "Mikrotīkls".

Project "Development of experimental laboratory crystal growth equipment"

By developing and improving research opportunities in the field of crystal growth equipment, cooperation between specialists of various fields will be promoted (attracting electronics engineers with experience in crystal growth equipment automation) and new researchers will be attracted. It will be achieved that UL researchers are able to be more successfully involved in the creation and development of future microelectronic semiconductor materials production technologies. Such a situation is favorable for the current directions of RIS3 economic transformation in society: it would provide an opportunity for growth in the field of semiconductor materials production technologies, which is a service with high added value. The project corresponds to the priority research direction “Continuous environmental physics and its applications for studying natural and technological processes” and sub-directions “heat transfer and hydrodynamics” as well as “semiconductor materials technologies” set by the University of Latvia.

Realization: March 2017 – November 2017.

The project is being implemented thanks to a donation of 8,900 EUR by the patron "Mikrotīkls".

Project "Development of visual ergonomics research environment"

Within the project, the Optometry studies in the University of Latvia will have the opportunity to develop a new field, thus making the education of optometrists higher quality, more competitive in the Baltic and European educational space. As well as, for the first time, in the Baltics a unique Vision Ergonomics Cabinet for research, training and vision tests will be created.

In turn, the society: acquires high-quality vision care services, new diagnostic methods that will help in the future in finding solutions to people's visual disorders and discomfort arising from the specifics of work, and as well as obtains information from independent experts on visually safe household and work environment devices.
Realization: April 2017 – March 2019.

The project is implemented thanks to a donation of 56,805 EUR by the patron "Mikrotīkls".

Project "Western Antarctic Glacier Dynamics as an Indicator of Long-Term Environmental and Climate Change"

Successful implementation of the project will increase the competence and international competitiveness of young researchers at the University of Latvia. The obtained results will make a significant contribution to the development of science in Latvia as a whole – a new and topical research direction (polar research) will be developed in Latvia. Thus, the recognition of Latvia and Latvian scientists in the world will be promoted.

Based on the results and experience gained during the project implementation, several courses of the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral study programs in Geography and Geology at the University of Latvia will be modernized and improved. Students who successfully complete these courses will have the opportunity to participate in future expeditions to the polar regions.

Latvian society will be educated about current problems related to the melting of Antarctic glaciers and its consequences.

Realization: April 2017 – April 2018. The expedition will be realized from February to March, in 2018. Project implementation includes preparation and planning of the expedition, implementation and analysis of post-expedition data and publication of results.

The project is being implemented thanks to a donation of 17,000 EUR by the patron "Mikrotīkls".

Other patrons and supporters: "Ceļu būvniecības sabiedrība" Igate ", " Specter Latvia ", shop "Ceļotājs ", Creative Solutions Agency "Tribe" and "Master Foto". The project is co-financed by the project "Support for the implementation of postdoctoral research". 16 / I / 001 Research application number:

Project "Laboratory of Minds / Prātnieku laboratorija" for 4 – 7 clases

During the project, a unique interdisciplinary interest education program for primary school students (clases 4-7) will be created at the Univ. of Latvia. An innovative practice system and provision of a teacher study program for science and mathematics teachers will be created. In turn, UL students will have the experience to work at the newly created learning environment, and they will learn to use the new learning provision effectively so that the acquired knowledge, skills, ability to reflect on their work can be used in education. UL provides an opportunity for various industry representatives (students, teachers, experts) to cooperate in creating and implementing a complex, successive curriculum.

Realization: June 2017 – May 2020.

The project is implemented thanks to a donation of 174,234 EUR by the patron "Mikrotīkls".

Project "Modernization of time interval meters RTS2006"

The development of the project will ensure further development and successful operation of the Geodynamic Station of the UL Institute of Astronomy in the ILRS network. Univ. of Latvia will have participated in the development of high-tech tools in a sector in which Latvia is among the leading countries in the world.

Realization: March 2017 – December 2018.

The project is implemented thanks to a donation of 27,250 EUR by the patron "Mikrotīkls".

Project "Improvement of the magnetic field imaging experimental equipment"

During the project, the University of Latvia acquires the growth of science in the form of high-quality scientific research, which is the basis for science-based higher education. In addition, this project provides a direct contribution to the training of young professionals by providing training at a high-class experimental facility at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels. Last but not least, this facility has great potential to carry out the research needed by other industries (basic science to applied), which has the potential to create new spin-offs that can contribute to the economy over time. Improvements of this equipment also open wider opportunities for international joint projects, which ensure the long-term development of science, as well as help to ensure internships for the physics students in scientific institutions outside Latvia.

Realization: March 2017 – December 2017.

The project is implemented thanks to a donation of 43,687 EUR by the patron "Mikrotīkls".

Project "Healthy Walk / Staigā vesels"

The project will promote the improvement of the health and quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes by monitoring and managing the physical activity programs of the interval method with the help of a mobile device.

Improving health will reduce drug dependence and give a positive economic effect by providing patients with an individualized treatment process. After the completion of the project, these people would have access to an innovative, complex solution to improve their health.

The project is implemented thanks to a donation of 78,000 EUR frby the patron "Mikrotīkls".

Project "Third generation nanosequencers for the development of biotechnology research at the University of Latvia"

In the future, the project will contribute to solving several current scientific and practical problems of the UL Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology.

1. Until now, the institute has not been able to assess the “complete enterprise” of microorganism metabolism, which would include genome, transcriptome and metabolome data. The advent of MiniON would allow this goal to be approached.

2. Similarly, associations of naturally occurring microorganisms could only be studied using direct culture methods, which do not give a complete picture of the diversity of species and metabolism of microorganisms in the environment.

3. A number of biotechnologically important micro-organisms (strains of Kluyveromyces sp.) show high levels of genomic diversity, which could be related to the different physiology of these strains.

Realization: March 2017 – October 2017.

The project is implemented thanks to a donation of 8000 EUR by the patron "Mikrotīkls".

Project "Topological modeling of structural similarity: topological and experimental analysis of information visualization"

The project will include:

(a) development of a topological model in which structural similarity is represented by spatial relationships,

(b) experimental testing, which analyzes response times and error rates for topologically and verbally represented information with a single content. As a result of the research, the interface (usable, in education, medicine, etc.) with visually spatial (topological) representation of information would be studied.

Realization: May 2017 - May 2018.

The project is implemented thanks to a donation of 13,000 EUR by the patron "Mikrotīkls".

"Days of Exact Science" 2017

Exact Science Day is an educational event for secondary school students, during which it is possible to visit five faculties of the University of Latvia and perform various tasks that students face on a daily basis.

In 2017, the event is supported by the patron "Accenture Latvia" (350 EUR) and patron "Olainfarm" (500 EUR).

Excellence Award 2017

For the sixth time, the University of Latvia organized a competition for teachers "Excellence Award". Every year, excellent, progressive and excellent teachers in biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and economics take part. The winners receive a one-time scholarship of 1,400 EUR .

In 2017, the project was supported by the patrons "Metrum", "Latvian Association of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs" and the Rural Support Service.

Accenture and UL Faculty of Computing Programmer's Day

Latvian Programmer's Day has been celebrated since 1986. The event brings together Latvian university students, lecturers, company representatives and IT enthusiasts every year. During the event experts from both the academic environment and the IT industry talk about topical and innovative topics. Practical workshops are organized for students to learn something completely new.

In 2017, the event is supported by the patron "Accenture Latvia" (1,400 EUR).

Project "Innovations in optical fluid technologies and their applications in various devices"

The project is supported by the patron "Light Guide Optics International" (5,000 EUR).


Project "Modernization of Computer Science Study Programs"

As a result of the project, the University of Latvia will offer European-level computer science study programs, which is a step towards the general goal of the University of Latvia to offer quality, excellence-oriented education. Quality education is also a precondition for an educated workforce to enter companies, which is vital for economic development. By offering high-quality study programs, there is a greater opportunity to keep young people in Latvia who doubt the quality of studies here and look in the direction of other European universities.

Time period: February 2017 - November 2017.

The project is implemented thanks to the donation by the patron "Mikrotīkls" (16 550 EUR).

Project "Programming with pleasure/ Programmēt ar prieku"

As a result of the project, the didactic materials and teaching aids of the course of Computers and Software 1 will be improved.

Technical and didactic materials and technical resources will be used as a workshop in the Latvian Programmers' Days.

Realization: May 2017 - November 2017

The project is implemented thanks to a donation of 8,800 EUR byt the patron "Mikrotīkls".

Project studio "DF LAB"

Project studio “DF LAB” – a place where both IT and other students will be able to implement their study and extramural projects. The studio has equipment for product prototyping (3D modeling software, 3D printers, laser cutter, etc.), mobile application, electronics, Internet of Things and virtual reality projects.

In 2017, it is supported by the patrons "Accenture Latvia" and "Mikrotīkls" (20,000 EUR).

Computational Complexity Conference 2017

This annual conference on computing issues and related resources is organized byt the Computational Complexity Foundation (CCF). In 2017, it took place in Riga, at the premises of the University of Latvia.

The event is supported by the patron "Accenture Latvia" (10,000 EUR).

UL student's participation in the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)

ACM ICPC is the oldest and most prestigious academic programming competition in the world in which students participate.

Student programming team of the UL Faculty of Computing – Andrejs Kuzņecovs, Pēteris Pakalns, Aleksejs Zajakins and coaches prof. Guntis Arnicāns and Jevgēnijs Vihrovs – went to the South Dakota, Repids City, where the final of the competition will take place in May. The student team of the University of Latvia is the only team from Latvia, while the Baltic States were represented by only two teams – the University of Latvia and Vilnius University.

In 2017, the patron "Exigen Services Latvia" supports the event by the donation of 6,000 EUR.

UL Student Business Incubator

The LU Student Business Incubator is an important participant among European university business incubators, creating opportunities for every student to become an outstanding entrepreneur.

In 2017, the project is supported by the patron "Swedbank" (2,500 EUR).

Forum for the Future Studies 2017

The aim of the forum together with cooperation partners is to identify the necessary reforms in the Latvian higher education sector in order to prepare for future challenges and trends in the Latvian higher education sector. The aim of the forum is to identify the future of education, to present innovative ideas, to link them with current issues and perspectives of the labor market and to assess the quality of higher education.

In 2017, the project was supported by the patron "Armgate" (500 EUR).

Forum cycle "Latvian formula 2050. Development scenarios"

As the centenary of the Republic of Latvia approaches, the University of Latvia, as the leading higher education institution of the state, wants to contribute to the formation of an academically balanced vision of the future development of Latvia. The university comprehensively takes care of the next 10 – 20 – 30 years in the growth of our country.

For this purpose, from October 2017 to November 2018, the University of Latvia plans to organize three high-level expert forums – “Latvian Formula 2050. Development Scenarios” (external factors, internal factors, synthesis).

The event is supported by the patron "Nordea Banka AB Latvia" (10,000 EUR).

Days of Stroke 2017

The event is supported by Jēkabpils Municipality (243 EUR).


Development of football at the Univ. of Latvia

In 2017/2018 academic year project is supported by the football school "METTA" (36 895 EUR).

Development of basketball at the Univ. of Latvia

In 2017/2018 academic year the project is supported by the patron "Latvian Novelty Complex" (15,000 EUR).

Development of floorball at the Univ. of Latvia

In 2017/2018 academic year project is supported by the Floorball Development Agency (5,000 EUR).

"Studentu kurpēs" / "In Student Shoes"

In 2017, the annual event of the University of Latvia "In Student's shoes" took place from April 3 to 7.

The event is intended for high school students. During this time, they can participate in the study process at the University of Latvia. It is an opportunity to participate in lectures, seminars, laboratories and practical work, as well as to get acquainted with the University study programs, their content and study process, which would help to make a motivated decision in choosing further education.

In 2017, the event was supported by the patron "Swedbank" (2,000 EUR).

University of Latvia’s new student celebration “Aristotelis 2017” /  "Aristotle'17"

Days of Chemists 2017

The annual event is the most important event of the year at the UL Faculty of Chemistry. It takes place for one week and is attended by about 400 students of the faculty. During the week, various events take place – sports games, orienteering competitions, erudition competition, demonstrations of experiments, sports games and everything ends with a ball.

This year the event was supported by the patron "Armgate" (2,550 EUR).

Forum KUBS'10

During this annual seminar, the most active students of the Latvian higher education institutions develop and improve their organizational and creative abilities, as well as form mutual cooperation and create new projects. The aim of the forum is to promote the self-growth and mutual cooperation of the forum participants, as well as to provide participants with an understanding of their personality, their interaction with peers and various social processes taking place in society, emphasizing that each of them can influence them.

In 2017, the project was supported by the patrons: "Armgate" (500 EUR), "School of Economics and Culture" (300 EUR) and Ķegums Municipality Council (3,000 EUR).

UL Faculty of Computing birthday celebration

The UL Faculty of Computing was founded in 2009, but its traditions began with the establishment of the Department of Computer Science at the UL Faculty of Physics and Mathematics in 1992, and much earlier, with the construction of the first computer in Latvia in 1960. Since March 2010, the faculty's birthday has been celebrated throughout the week. Students of the Faculty of Computing organize various competitions, game evenings and other entertainment events, which are popular not only with computers, but also with students of other faculties.

In 2017, support is provided by the patron "SQUALIO CLOUD CONSULTING" (1,500 euros).

UL Faculty of Computing event for the 1st year students "Sējiens 2020"

This is the most important event of the UL Faculty of Computing to spend the end of summer unforgettable. It is organized by the Student's council.

In 2017, the event is supported by the patron "Accenture Latvia" (6,400 EUR).

Development of the Univ. of Latvia Botanical Garden

The UL Botanical Garden is the oldest botanical garden in Latvia. The garden's 15-hectare open-air area, plant houses and Tropical Butterfly House provide accommodation for around 6,000 different plants, as well as butterflies from the tropical jungles of South America, Asia and Africa, while offering beautiful walks and cultural entertainment to the citizens of Riga and city guests. In preparation for the centenary of the UL Botanical Garden in 2022. The reconstruction works are supported by the Boris and Inara Teterev Foundation, but donations are administered by the University of Latvia Foundation.

Reconstruction works

Until the significant 100th anniversary of the UL Botanical Garden in 2022, it is planned to arrange the infrastructure of the territory in accordance with modern requirements, so that the garden is an attractive place for the general public to relax, satisfy curiosity, spend free time, do research and education, enjoy exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events. measures.

Reconstruction works are supported by the Boris and Inara Teterev Foundation.

Univ. of Latvia Alumni Trail

By arranging and supplementing the infrastructure of the territory in accordance with modern requirements, the garden will be an attractive place for the general public. Among other things, the UL Alumni Trail will be established in the UL Botanical Garden.

The Alumni Trail will be a kind of path that will wind through the garden, combining various elements of amenities and environmental objects. Throughout the trail will change its character from shady to bright sunlit. It will be a place to meet. A place to enjoy the splendor of nature, art and culture in one place.

The project will be implemented thanks to donations from UL graduates and their partners.