The new academic year is rapidly approaching, so gather all the paperwork needed to apply for a scholarship! The first round of scholarship applications will be accepted for first-year students from August 4 until August 31 at 23:59. In the first year, there are nine sets of scholarships available for application.

Apply for a scholarship if you are an intelligent and capable student, involved in your community’s life, and your average weighted grade is greater than 7.5 points.

Make a list of the documents that must be provided before applying for a scholarship. You will require:

  • electronic form;
  • two letters of recommendation - one from the high school staff (for first-year students), one from the university academic staff or from another structural entity;
  • CV or bio (in Europassform);
  • a free-form essay on your favorite patron (volume 2,500 to 6,000 characters, not including spaces) on the subject of "Which Patron of the University of Latvia do I want to emulate and why?";
  • additional papers - check the scholarship description in the "For students" section.

The University of Latvia (UL) Foundation's 1st year scholarships for this academic year are "Ceļamaize", Latgale's "Ceļamaize", Ceļamaize "Rēzekne", M. M. V. Petkevičs memorial scholarship, Konstantīna Čakste memorial scholarship, A. Bitāns scholarship in law, and Jelgava's, Valka's, Salaspils's district scholarships.

On the other hand, from September 1 until September 29 at 23:59, it will be allowed to apply for scholarships beginning with the second academic year. There will be beyond eight sets of scholarships available. More information will be provided!

Additional information:

  • To become an UL Foundation scholarship holder, one must complete 40 hours of voluntary work throughout the academic year (20 hours each semester);
  • scholars, who are employees of the University of Latvia, earn a stipend equal to 75% of the monthly amount, as a Royalty Agreement is signed.

Apply for scholarship!


Physics students will be able to apply for a new scholarship this autumn

Physics students will be able to apply for a new scholarship this autumn

UL Foundation stipendiaries are meeting patron P. A. Ragaušs

UL Foundation stipendiaries are meeting patron P. A. Ragaušs