On Thursday, the 20th of October, the UL Foundation’s patron scholarship tribute event for new scholarship holders of the 2022./2023. academic year took place in The Great Hall of the University of Latvia. The UL Foundation receives more and more scholarship applications with each year, this year the UL Foundation has received 500 applications and 115 of the applicants have won the patron scholarships.

Scholarships also carry with them ideas and hopes for future opportunities, following excellent achievements and a rich contribution for the benefit of society. The circle of patrons of the University of Latvia and the UL Foundation is expanding every year – it is not only philanthropy, but also a significant appreciation of joint work.

Every year a new scholarship joins the family of the UL Foundation, this year there were 3 of them: Konstantīns Čakste memorial scholarship, Rēzekne’s "Ceļamaize" ("Bread for the Journey") and Gustavs Zemgals memorial scholarship. In total, 30 sets of patron scholarships were honored at the event, thanks to both long-standing and faithful patrons and new patrons.

These are the sets of patron scholarships in the 2022./2023. academic year and their receivers:

  • Konstantīns Čakste memorial scholarship – Žanete Piļka, Leons Podbrezskis.
  • Rēzekne’s "Ceļamaize" – Sintija Reble.
  • Gustavs Zemgals memorial scholarship – Samanta Fiļimonova.
  • "Delfi" scholarship – Līva Daniela Borisova, Everita Muceniece, Marta Puzāka.
  • The Galenieks Family scholarship – Audars Kārlis Klints.
  • Kristaps Morbergs scholarship – Rūdolfs Jānis Zabolockis, Ronalds Turnis, Andris Aleksandrs Priedītis, Alise Zita Zeidaka, Margarita Baranova, Laura Luīze Dumbre, Ivanna Atava, Pauls Bertrams Klucis, Ance Priedniece, Antonija Rimša, Silva Bērziņa, Džekija Eilande, Gvido Jaunzems, Egija Rubene.
  • Scholarship "Ceļamaize" – Marija Zemļinska (Ceļamaize), Aleksandrs Vizins (Ceļamaize), Gunda Oja (Ceļamaize), Baiba Kūle (Arčers), Emīls Šmits (Arčers), Reinis Isaks (Arčers), Ričards Bulavs (Arčers), Namejs Kalniņš (A. Galēja-Dravniece), Paula Malnača (A. Galēja-Dravniece), Katrīna Buša (A. J. Čakste-Rollins)
  • Latgale's "Ceļamaize" – Anželika Litvinoviča, Timurs Ragozins.
  • Minna Matilde Vilhelmīne Petkevičs memorial scholarship – Anna Kristīna Trautmane, Daminik Davydau, Roberts Ozols, Elizabete Beta Ešenvalde, Vanesa Varnovska, Luīze Siliņa, Anna Marta Zēberga, Kellija Ieva Meiere, Dāvis Gaiziņš, Darja Antoņenko, Pauls Kauķis, Alberts Bilzēns, Valters Toms Vasermanis, Raitis Riters, Vladislavs Babaņins.
  • Engure Municipality scholarship – Agnese Pridāne.
  • Salaspils Municipality scholarship – Linda Grantiņa, Maksims Larionovs.
  • Jelgava Municipality scholarship – Kristīne Bumbiere, Elizabete Bergmane, Amanda Šturma, Evelīna Meijere, Sannija Broka, Elīza Antoneviča, Toms Jansons, Sandis Kārkliņš, Arta Vēja, Kristers Gromovs, Anete Tukule, Justīne Dižpētere, Krista Ļūmane, Anna Oseņņikova, Krista Anna Beļajevskova, Agneta Veinberga, Madara Ratniece.
  • The Kundziņš Family scholarship  Paula Sonita Deruma, Krišjānis Mārtiņš Alliks.
  • Richards Zariņš memorial scholarship – Kristiāna Višņakova.
  • Jānis Priedkalns Memorial Medical Science Research Foundation scholarship – Ksenija Lūcija Bahire.
  • ZAB "Skrastiņš & Dzenis" scholarship – Roberts Kokins, Sabīne Jansone.
  • ZAB "Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns" scholarship – Elīna Zivtiņa.
  • ZAB "Sorainen" scholarship – Emīlija Branda.
  • Kristīne Krūma memorial scholarship – Natālija Knipše, Marjama Bagdasarjana.
  • Marika Vidiņa memorial scholarship – Aiga Kirejeva.
  • The Rūsis Family scholarship – Dana Kamzola, Nataļja Bedrjagina.
  • Jānis Kļaviņš memorial scholarship – Agnese Brokāne.
  • The Laimiņš Family scholarship – Karīna Švānberga.
  • Ernests Felsbergs memorial scholarship – Kaspars Markus Molls, Elīna Vītola, Tomass Stepiņš.
  • Diplomacy scholarship – Madara Virsniece, Auce Mūrniece.
  • Excellence scholarship in bioinformatics – Oļesja Rogoza, Kristīna Grausa, Mišela Dūka.
  • The Mundheim Family Excellence scholarship – Artjoms Zelenkevičs, Diāna Sloboda, Patrīcija Kalniņa.
  • Scholarship of the religious organization "Vereins der Pastorinnen und Pastoren in Nordelbien e.V." – Zane Butnāre, Pāvels Ņizins.
  • Scholarship of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Willimantic – Arta Skuja. Alise Buligina.
  • Ozoliņš – Mednis Foundation scholarship – Evelīna Astrātova, Diāna Lozko, Uģis, Pallo, Roberts Galvāns.

We are proud of each scholarship holder and wish them success in the new academic year! We are also expressing gratitude to every patron who supports new students and to the committees that spent long hours in order to award the scholarships to the most suitable applicants!

About UL Foundation

Since 2004, the University of Latvia Foundation has allowed patrons and cooperation partners to support both the University of Latvia and other leading Latvian universities, thereby investing in Latvia's future. The LU Foundation's priorities are to support the best students and researchers, to promote the creation of a modern learning environment, and to construct and reconstruct university buildings.


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